Monday, April 20, 2009

Finally some action from the rosemary and parsley

The parsley and rosemary just started to germinate.  According to the seed packets they are about a week behind the basil and chives.  They started coming up right on time.  I got some more seeds this weekend.  They were on sale.  More herbs.  I also got a variegated lemon thyme.  My husband has been wanting one and I found it at Lowes.  I haven't planted the seeds yet.  Waiting for my basil to grow out a little so I will have room under my plant lights.  I have been enjoying other blogspot gardening blogs.  Mr. Brown Thumb always makes me chuckle.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sue,

    Thanks for stopping by my garden blog the other day and leaving a comment. I really appreciate it. Good luck with your seeds.
